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No matter how careful you are, if you live where there are mosquitoes chances
are eventually you'll be bitten and suffer the unpleasant consequences
- the redness, the swelling, that miserable itching that lasts for days! Fortunately,
there are a number of things you can try, home remedies and over-the-counter
products, to tame the itch and help heal mosquito bites.
By far the weirdest mosquito bite remedy we've ever heard of can be found in the 1652 book "The Ladies' Dispensatory", where author Leonard Sowerby advises his readers to soothe stings and bug bites by using "caterpillars applied with oyle."
(In case you're wondering, we do NOT recommend that!)
For some popular commercial herbal, homeopathic and cortisone-based products which soothe and heal itchy mosquito bites, see these insect bite remedies >>
We adults know (or quickly discover) that scratching a mosquito bite is one of the worst things to do. Try telling that to your kids! If it itches they're going to scratch at it, not only further irritating the bite but increasing the risk of infection. If you don't have any itch-relief remedies on hand (see above) what you can do is teach your children to slap the bite instead of scratching it. Slapping the mosquito bite area won't irritate it and the sting will take their mind off the itch for a little while - hopefully long enough to stop the vicious itching-scratching cycle until you can apply something more effective.
Related: Mosquito Bite Prevention , Mosquito Repellents , Insect Bite Relief Products