Mosquito bites have always been a nuisance. They can also be a
major health hazard in areas where mosquitos are known carry West
Nile Virus or Malaria.
Mosquitos are most active between the hours of dusk and dawn. If you stay indoors during these hours, you will avoid the prime mosquito feeding time. Keep your pets indoors too.
When in mosquito territory, wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, socks and shoes. A hat with mosquito netting is a must in heavily infested areas.
Use mosquito repellents containing Picaridin, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus or Deet. Spraying your clothing with a repellent containing Permethrin provides extra protection as mosquitos can bite through thin clothing. Never spray Permethrin directly on your skin. Be sure to carefully read and follow the label directions and precautions for any products you use.
Mosquitos lay eggs in as little as 1/4" of standing water. The most important thing you can do to prevent mosquitos on your property is to find and eliminate all sources of standing water. Mosquitoes will breed in anything that can hold water, including many common items which are easily overlooked::
Also, replace outside lights with yellow "bug lights", use citronella candles or coils, and consider using carbon dioxide mosquito traps. If you have a swimming pool or hot tub, keep the water circulating and properly treated with chlorine.
Certain plants tend to repel mosquitos - these include geraniums, basil, oregano, catnip, and citrus or lemon-scented plants like lemon balm and lemon grass.